Re-envisioning My Future by Preserving the Past: A Summer Internship at the Washington County Museum

Re-envisioning My Future by Preserving the Past: A Summer Internship at the Washington County Museum

By Blake Brooks :: Internship work had never really crossed my mind until my senior year, and now, I am kicking myself for not taking advantage of the opportunity sooner. As a history major, finding internships can seem difficult at times, but by chance, I was introduced to the curator of the Washington County MuseumContinue Reading Re-envisioning My Future by Preserving the Past: A Summer Internship at the Washington County Museum

‘The Vietnam War Oregon Remembers,’ An ‘Oregon Experience’ Documentary | OPB Arts & Life

‘The Vietnam War Oregon Remembers,’ An ‘Oregon Experience’ Documentary  | OPB Arts & Life

A new OPB documentary explores how the Vietnam War still deeply affects Oregonians, even nearly 50 years after the end of combat operations in Vietnam. David A. Horowitz, History Professor and anti-war activist talks about his experience on Portland State University campus about the Vietnam War, the Kent State shootings, and Vortex I Music Festival. [the bulkContinue Reading ‘The Vietnam War Oregon Remembers,’ An ‘Oregon Experience’ Documentary | OPB Arts & Life